Thank You! Registration Confirmed!

Please check your email titled "Login Details" from Smartphone Photography Training with all of your Username and Password details.

If you don’t see this email, please check your spam folder and white list this email to ensure you receive our notifications in the future.

Example of the email...

Once you log in to the dashboard, you can change your profile photo and password.

Watch the first video from me located inside the training area to get started immediately. 

You may even notice some surprise freebies inside!

If you enrolled in the Blurry to Tack-Shapr Photos: 4-Step System, you will locate it in the same membership area.

Please note, your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by Smartphone Photography. Could not fit the whole name in there!

Once you log in to the dashboard, watch the first video from me located inside the training area to get started immediately.

Your login page is right - here 

See you on the inside!

- Mike

P.S. If you need any help, contact me directly - here

Passionate - Creative - Curious