Step 1 - Apply to be a guest on the podcast
Thank you for your interest in joining me for a conversation on the Smartphone Photography Club Podcast. All interviews are recorded in video format to appeal to different learning styles and audience locations.
To deliver the most value to the conversation for the audience and to best showcase you, please click/tap on the link below to complete the submission form.
You will receive a summary of your answers at completion for your podcast preparation.
We will talk about your background, style, capture and editing processes and do a deep dive into one of your photos. It will also be an opportunity to discuss a particular topic that you enjoy and can provide value to the audience.
We will talk about your YouTube channel, podcast, product or service that you supply, why it is different, your background story, other talking points that you would like to discuss and any offer to the audience
Step 2 - Check out previous episodes
I will be in contact soon after reviewing your submission to ensure we are a good fit for each other.
Please listen to Smartphone Photography Club podcast interview episodes so you know how Mike runs the show at
Why not leave a review on Apple podcasts inside iTunes via
this link - tap on Ratings and Reviews - tap on Write a Review.
Step 3 - What to expect next
Here are some points in preparation for your upcoming podcast with Mike.
You will receive an email directly from Mike offering several dates/time options.
Make sure you are in a quiet place and have a good quality microphone and headset (audio quality is important for a great experience for the listeners)
The podcast will also be a video recording to allow us to see each other and minimise talk overs (I can get excited!). With your consent, this will also be shared in part or full as a YouTube upload.
After the recording, I will provide details of the publishing schedule, visual assets, and details of when this will also be shared to my email list.